We are happy to introduce Chad Pelotte as the new Regional Sales Manager at New England Tubing Technologies. Chad may be new to tubing, but he comes to us with almost 24 years of experience in the custom wire and cable industry where he previously worked in a variety of roles at our sister company, New England Wire Technologies. From his start in Material Handling and Logistics, to Design/Pricing Support, then on to Inside Sales, and for the past 4 years as a Regional Sales Manager, Chad has vast experience in numerous aspects of custom manufacturing.
When the opportunity to work at New England Tubing presented itself, Chad was quick to take on this next step in his career. Always looking for a new challenge, Chad finds the hands-on and collaborative aspects of working in tubing particularly exciting. There’s also a lot of pride in working on projects and projects that are literally lifesaving and life changing.
“I love working directly with customers and find the variety of unique applications our customers are developing to be fascinating. Being able to partner with some of the most innovative companies in the word is amazing.”
Chad describes himself as “friendly, approachable, and optimistic” – all great qualities that make him an excellent communicator with both his customers and his internal team at NETT.
A life-long native of New Hampshire, Chad enjoys spending time with his family and whittling away on an endless list of home projects. Currently he’s working on installing new flooring in his kitchen. Little known fact: he’s great at woodworking and making custom cabinetry!

When he needs a break from his home project list, you’ll find Chad tinkering on his MGB Roadster or going for a run with his Weimaraner, Finnegan.
Welcome to New England Tubing Technologies, Chad! We’re so happy to have you as part of our team!